About Ali Gajani


Hi. I am Ali Gajani. I started Mr. Geek in early 2012 as a result of my growing enthusiasm and passion for technology. I love sharing my knowledge and helping out the community by creating useful, engaging and compelling content. If you want to write for Mr. Geek, just PM me on my Facebook profile.

Posts by Ali Gajani:

Getting Started With Bootstrap: Part 3 of Series

Getting Started With Bootstrap: Part 3 of Series

Last time, we looked at using external stylesheets with Bootstrap, so you can extend the framework and customise your website. If you missed Part 2, you can find it here. Today, we will build on our existing knowledge acquired from using external stylesheets to build a custom fixed header bar. 


My 5 Favorite Modern Architectural Wonders

My 5 Favorite Modern Architectural Wonders

I love architecture, even though I am a computer geek. But then, geeks also love things that marvel, and architecture is one that fascinates me quite a lot. I believe architecture is important to us on many levels. More

How does Shazam work?

How does Shazam work?

I was using Shazam the other day and to my amusement, it was able to figure out every song with a 99% success rate. It is an awesome piece of software that, at first, feels like magic? Right? No. It’s something called engineering. More

Author Rank and its impact on SEO

Author Rank and its impact on SEO

The web is changing (again) and it’s all down to Google. We are in a state of transition from the web of websites to a web of people. This is also affecting search which is the way we navigate the web and it’s affecting SEO which is how we optimize content in order to be found. More

New features in Twitter Bootstrap 2.2.1

New features in Twitter Bootstrap 2.2.1

The super popular web design toolkit Twitter Bootstrap is already here. Even though the two designers aren’t working at Twitter anymore, I am sure it’s still going to be referred to as Twitter Bootstrap. But you can call it Bootstrap too. So the latest version, as of now, is 2.2.1, released on 30th of October 2012. More

Review of the Adonit Jot Pro

Review of the Adonit Jot Pro

This is a review of the Adonit Jot Pro. The Jot Pro, as it is popularly called, is a Taiwanese made Stylus for capacitive touch screens. I have long been in search for the best stylus and to be honest, nothing beats the Jot Pro. More

Securing your Gmail Account with 2-step verification (prevent getting hacked)

Securing your Gmail Account with 2-step verification (prevent getting hacked)

As we have now entered into the information age, a lot of our valuable information is stored in a digital format. It means hackers are actively finding newer ways to break into your digital accounts. This short tutorial is targeted at Gmail users who can enable 2-step verification to make their accounts fully secure.  More